Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The end is here

Wow!!! What a fast term this was and how fun too. I enjoyed all the things I learned and how they will help me in the future. I think that this class was the best writing class I have takena nd gave me the knowledge I need to make my career succeed to the fullest. Good luck to all my fellow students and professor in the future.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

time flys

My little one is now 6 months old and getting to be so smart. SHe has her first tooth in and is drooling worse then our dogs do. I am dreading the day she is 1 because it seems to go faster after they turn 1. We are done having kids so I better cherish this as long as possible. I love my kids but there are days i want to run off. I guess we all have those moments huh?