Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The end is here

Wow!!! What a fast term this was and how fun too. I enjoyed all the things I learned and how they will help me in the future. I think that this class was the best writing class I have takena nd gave me the knowledge I need to make my career succeed to the fullest. Good luck to all my fellow students and professor in the future.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

time flys

My little one is now 6 months old and getting to be so smart. SHe has her first tooth in and is drooling worse then our dogs do. I am dreading the day she is 1 because it seems to go faster after they turn 1. We are done having kids so I better cherish this as long as possible. I love my kids but there are days i want to run off. I guess we all have those moments huh?

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Dealing with what life throws at you

I was just recently diagnosed with cervical cancer, and now trying to keep myself positive that it will be ok. The doctor told me that I was caught in time so there is a better chance I will be ok and get through this. I also have to have a scope done on March 12th to see about having my stones removed that are located in my gullbladder. These stones have been causing me alot of pain and heartburn. In order to make it better I must have a surgery perfomed to rid them. I am very scared because this is my second surgery and the first one I had my appendices removed and had trouble coming out of the general anesthesia. I was pregnant to at the time and that why my paper is based on it. I am thankfully not pregnant so I hope I have better chances of coming to it with this surgery. My major concern is being able to take care of the kids while resting. My baby depends on me the most and I don't want anyone to help me. I am very independent to do this on my own.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Enjoying our new big screen plasma

We were so blessed recently with a new T.V that was given to us. It is a year old and a 50 inch plasma flat screen. A friend of my fiance' gave it to us because he did not wnat to fix it. So we took it to a great guy and got it fixed. Only cost us 365.00 and its a 3000.00 T.V new. I am so happy we got it back from the repair guy. Now our livingroom looks bigger with no entertainment stand in here. Now my daughter can crawl around in more room when she begins that stage. Soon I will be putting stuff up and the word no will come out of my mouth I guess we got real lucky with this deal that landed on our laps. All we have to do is buy him 2 cases of beer. No problem here, great deal. Wish I would of had this up before superbowl, but now I can watch the olympics on it.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

So excited

I am leaving on the 27th to take my fiance to galena for his birthday. It is so pretty there. I guess I am more happy to get away from the kids for the weekend. I so need a break. Gonna have to do some school work ahead that week so it is all done. Looking forward to starting my new term to. I am starting to enjoy the new courses and how much I really have learned. I wish my kids would do better in school. Sometimes I show them all I have to do on top of school and I am still doing great in school and have a 3.5 GPA and I am in a honors class. So far no luck with the 12 year old. I am working on her.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

5 months old, wow!!!

My daughter Khloe is 5 months old now. I can not believe it. It seems like yesturday she was in my belly kicking away, now she is 5 months and still kicking away. She has the cutest giggle and most beautiful smile. She still kicks me and moves around like she wants to walk away.I know she will start crawling soon and then I will be in trouble. I wish they could stay small for ever.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

24 days and counting

In 24 days we are going away for my hubbies birthday to Galena. It is a beautiful place 2 hours from us with little shops and bed and breakfast places. We are staying at a resort so we can go swimming and go to the casino they have there. It is so pretty this time of the year. You can go skiing, horse backriding, they also have wine tasting and much more. It will be a blast. I can not wait to take him away from all the craziness for that weekend. We need a few nights away from everything to enjoy eachother.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

dedicating my time to school

I have taken alot of time to think about my schooling and how important it is to me to achieve my goals. I want to recieve my associates degree then work on getting my bachlores degree. I am looking forward to what school has instore for me and my future. I have been out of school since I was 16 and it is so hard to get back on track again. I did real well in school, but I was homeschooled after my freshaman year by choice. I studied hard and ended up graduating before I was 17 years old. I was so happy to be done with school but was also really scared to go to college. I knew it was harder and would be difficult for me to achieve. After all the time I took away from it, I decieded I had to do it for myself and my children. Now that I am in college I am very proud I took the step.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

managing my time

I am finding myself getting better at managing my school work. I talked to my advisor and have set plan to help me out. I am sitting down making a list on a calender when school work is to completed. Make a time for house work and for the new baby. Setting aside 2 to 3 hours a day for one class has helped me get my classes done early and correctly. My anatomy class is very tough, but I am still pulling a 3.0 grade average even with a house, 4 kids, and a husband who works 3rd shift. I guess I was feeling like a failure but they reasured me I am on track.